RBS’s Satellite 2022 Conference quick take on cybersecurity: Increasing urgency, few immediate solutions

The Ukrainian conflict amplified serious questions about satellite security in this year’s conference. But questions aren’t action, which is needed now to protect this critical industry.  The Ukrainian conflict amplified serious questions about satellite security in this year’s conference. But questions aren’t action, which is needed now to protect this critical industry.  The Ukrainian conflict […]

Shmancybear Funsomware Request

SHMANCYBEAR: A RANSOMWARE PROOF OF CONCEPT Watch this video for a short-take of our ground-breaking research, which was covered in Bloomberg, TechCrunch, ISS Source, Smart Energy International and elsewhere. This is a demonstration that should push embedded devices to the forefront of cybersecurity discussions.

A security assessment of protection relays uncovers cybersecurity weaknesses

The electrical grid depends on protection relays. Our analysis of the hardware and firmware in three models should raise concerns about the state of the industry’s overall security — and safety. Ask any Texan who endured the power outages during a severe winter storm in February 2021 about the critical nature of the electrical grid, […]

Ransomware installation on embedded devices is possible, because we’ve done it

Red Balloon Security’s groundbreaking research has found a means of implementing ransomware on a protection relay. The process is repeatable — and general to embedded devices. Thanks to a spate of high-profile ransomware attacks in recent years, the cyber insecurity of critical infrastructure has lodged in the public consciousness and sparked grave concerns among leaders […]

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