Brief Tour of OFRAK 3.1.0

We published OFRAK 3.1.0 to PyPI on June 12, 2023!

As always, a detailed list of changes can be viewed in the OFRAK Changelog.

We’ve had several new features and quality of life improvements since our last major release.

Themes, Colors, and Settings

In OFRAK 3.1.0 we’ve added a new settings window. From here you can switch to “dark mode” or “light mode,” and customize any color in the OFRAK GUI. In addition to the customization features, we’ve added some more advanced settings described below.

Experimental OFRAK Features

OFRAK 3.1.0 now gives you access to new, experimental features. Selecting “Enable Experimental OFRAK Features” in the settings pane will enable new toolbar buttons. “So, what are experimental features?” you might ask. Experimental features are the latest and greatest OFRAK changes. But beware! They might be buggier than other parts of OFRAK, and are subject to change in later versions. We are including two new, experimental OFRAK features in this release: running any component in the GUI, and running pre-recorded scripts in the GUI.

Run Component

In the past, the OFRAK GUI only had a limited subset of the full suite of OFRAK Components available. Now, with the new Run Component feature, you have access to every OFRAK component on your system. When selecting which component to run, you can filter by type (Unpacker, Analyzer, Modifier, and Packer), and by target tags. Selecting a component will reveal the ComponentConfig so you can fill in the necessary parameters and start using the full power of OFRAK.

Run Script

In our last update, we gave you the ability to generate a script based on your actions. In OFRAK 3.1.0 you can now run those scripts directly in the GUI. Take your generated script, make modifications to it, or even totally rewrite it, then run the script, and see what effect it has on your binary live in the OFRAK GUI using this new, experimental feature.

Additional Features

Along with the major new features above, we have these new minor features in OFRAK 3.1.0.

  • ElfLoadAlignmentModifier finds free space in a binary between adjacent PT_LOAD segments.

  • Select an alternative backend server in the settings pane under “developer options” instead of modifying backendUrl in stores.js.

  • Copy your generated script directly to the clipboard with a new button option.

  • Navigate the OFRAK GUI resource tree with a USB Dance Dance Revolution pad.

Bug Fixes

The following bug fixes are also included in OFRAK 3.1.0.

  • Taking an action too soon after loading a large file no longer causes the OFRAK GUI to freeze.

  • importlib-metadata bumped to version 4.1.3.

  • libmagic and strings tagged as internal dependencies.

  • The minimap will no longer overlap the version number in the OFRAK GUI.

Learn More at OFRAK.COM

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